Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Mini update

No big news, but here's something funny for all of you:

Last week this part of VA got hit by an earthquake. I didn't find out what it was until I got home and Clint told me. But when it first hit, I thought it was some new weird pregnancy symptom! :)

Friday, December 05, 2003

It moved!

I know the pic below doesn't look like much still...but if you look at it next to the earlier one, it is lying in the opposite direction! And, we saw the beginnings of the heartbeat, and could see little limbs forming!

BTW, Clint was really cute at the doctor's office...he said "awwwww..." and grabbed my hand as soon as he saw little Flipper up on the screen.

Hey, it's a... turtle?

Got back from the OB-GYN a little wile ago, and here's out little 'un at ten weeks: