Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Mini update

No big news, but here's something funny for all of you:

Last week this part of VA got hit by an earthquake. I didn't find out what it was until I got home and Clint told me. But when it first hit, I thought it was some new weird pregnancy symptom! :)

Friday, December 05, 2003

It moved!

I know the pic below doesn't look like much still...but if you look at it next to the earlier one, it is lying in the opposite direction! And, we saw the beginnings of the heartbeat, and could see little limbs forming!

BTW, Clint was really cute at the doctor's office...he said "awwwww..." and grabbed my hand as soon as he saw little Flipper up on the screen.

Hey, it's a... turtle?

Got back from the OB-GYN a little wile ago, and here's out little 'un at ten weeks:

Friday, November 21, 2003

A little better (*burp*)

The past two days I've eaten a whole kaiser roll before I've even gotten out of bed (Thanks, Clint), and it seems to be helping in the morning some. Last night we had Mexican food right before going to church choir rehearsal, though, and I thought my stomach was going to explode before the evening was over. I'm still really hot all the time, too. And sleeeeeepy...

Wednesday, November 19, 2003


Can you have hot flashes when you're pregnant? I feel like I am burning up. I also have heartburn all the way from the pit of my stomach to my throat, a sewer-like taste in my mouth as bad as after my worst night of drinking, my back is killing me, I have a headache, and I can't even move without feeling like I am going to barf. This morning I've been making phone calls while lying on the floor of my office (my anti-static mat feels soooo nice and cool). Basically, it feels as awful as the worst hangover I've ever had, only it's lasting for *days*...

Help. :(

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

First piccie

Our 7-week old, um, turtle! :)

It's true! It's really true!

I called the OB's (Dr. Troise) office Monday about the bleeding and they told me to come in today just to make sure everything was okay. Which I did.

And...I have a urinary tract infection. Also, the baby (okay, the blob, really) is 7 weeks old, and is due June 30th. The doctor said it was too early to hear a heartbeat, but that there was "cardiac activity," by which I assume he meant some group of contiguous cells with synchronous activity. And as far as he could tell, everything seemed normal.

Clint wasn't in his office when I went by on my way back to work, but I left the ultrasound of the blob on his desk. You can sort of tell there's some sort of organized activity going on, but it definitely has a long way to go! I'll bet that grainy little picture will put a grin on Clint's face, though. Check back later, and I'm sure he'll have it scanned.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Whoops! Spoke too soon :(

Well, my elation of the last post was short lived. The day care center I spoke of *does* have openings...but it also costs $700 a month, which there is no way we can afford. Basically, most of Clint's salary would be going to pay day care.

Soo...I am trying to figure out the best thing to do. Obviously we need either, a) better-paying jobs, or b) to live somewhere with cheaper day care, c) both a and b , or d) to declare bancruptcy. I don't like d) much, since I've been working my ass off for the last 15-20 years working and going to school with the fantasy that I might someday own my own home. c) seems like the best option, particularly since we don't really like Lexington that much anyway, but it's going to be hard for two people to find jobs in the same place at the same time. And of course, for the time being, we're stuck here at least until the baby is born because we need the health insurance (also, it's hard to get hired when you're pregnant---and puh-lease don't give me that b.s. about how they're not supposed to discriminate against you. I've *never* had a job where I didn't face at least some on-the-job sexual discrimination, so why should I expect employers not to discriminate against me when I'm pregnant?). In the meantime, Clint is going to ask some people at his work who have kids, and see if he can find out about cheaper day care.

Sucky to have to worry about this right now. Also, I've had some more bleeding, which makes me nervous. I called the hospital last night and they said it was probably okay, some women just have that---but it still stresses me out.

Friday, November 07, 2003

One thing I *don't* have to worry about

Good news today...I found out the best daycare center in town, which is right across the street from my office, takes infants! They have a waiting list, but they say that it usually is only for a couple of months, so if we get on it right away, they should have an opening by the time we're ready to go back to work (I will take my six weeks paid leave, and then Clint is thinking about taking a month of unpaid leave for baby-Daddy bonding time after I go back to work). So, Clint and I could go in every day and have lunch with baby if we wanted to! I don't know what they charge yet...but they are supposed to be subsidized, and I get some kind of benefit from my work for daycare, too. So hopefully, it won't be too bad, though I know we'll feel the pinch. I hope we get decent raises next year...but with the economy being what it is, I won't count on it.

I have been feeling rather urpy the past week. Haven't actually barfed or anything; it's more like mild reflux with nausea, so I can't complain too much, but it's still not fun. I also feel like I am the size of a house, partly because, uh, things aren't moving, if you know what I mean. I am going to have to face facts and get some bigger bras soon, too. Mama here is bustin' out! (hehe, bad pun!)

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

How it's Going

Kathy's a little nauseous, but she's holding on. Me? I'm hanging in there. Just somebody, please, send us a crib!

Tuesday, October 28, 2003


For anyone reading this, Kathy and I are pregnant!!! WOO-HOOOOO!!!!

We actually found out last Wednesday, but we waited until we could be sure about telling people. Kathy took a test last Wednesday and then again Saturday, and both times it came out positive. After talking to an OB-GYN, we have a sonogram set up for December 5.

I'm gonna be a daddy! Kathy's gonna be a mommy!! The pets are gonna be SO jealous!!!!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003


Just want to make sure that I'm here. Yepper, I am!

So, the pregnancy road is kinda rocky at the moment. That's okay, 'cause I'm confident it will happen. One person at work told me that she and her husband tried for two years after getting off the pill before they hit the jackpot.

Cheer up, Charlie, I mean, Kathy! :X


So...wifey does all the talking here, while hubby remains the strong, silent type. Yep, that's the Married Life! Sheesh!

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

On the other hand...

We're still not pregnant, after over two months. :( Maybe this is gonna take a while. Which sucks. I have NO patience whatsoever!

Wednesday, September 10, 2003


Clint's new niece was born at 8:37 last night and her name is Claire Olivia. Mom and baby are doing fine...

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Hmmm...Clint, who *started* this dang blog hasn't been posting lately. Perhaps because I embarrassed him in the last post?

Still not preggers yet as far as we know. Clint's sister, who I think gets pregnant just thinking about men, just went into the hospital to have labor induced. I don't think they know if it is going to be a boy or a girl. My brother and sister-in-law were like that with their first baby. I think I would want to know, myself. Not that I'm real into the whole gender-coding thing---I just don't like surprises, much. But that's just me...

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Trying to get pregnant

OK, maybe I know why Clint is moody...

Anybody out there trying to get pregnant while you're both working (at least) full time and have a million other things to do?

I keep finding myself thinking, "You know, we really should be having sex right now, but I'm just too tired...and my back hurts...and..."

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Clint seems moody and unhappy today. But he won't tell me why and says he isn't. Gee...I feel just like a...just like a...*wife*, dammit!

Cheer up, sweetie! :-P

Wednesday, August 13, 2003


Um, Clint, isn't that on your "Summer of Horn" blog?
Do you think anybody is really interested in our weird, crazy relationship anyway? :P

Hey, can I use this to send you your daily list of things to do?

Do you think any weirdos are going to think "please love us" means we're swingers?

Is that too many questions in one post? This is starting to look like a meme.

Testing the comments

There should be a coments box below. If there is, it'll say "Please love us". Click that for the comments.

The reason for it all...

I hope that we use this blog to document our marriage and (hopefully) pregnancy as it happens. Starting tomorrow, I plan to use my part of it to give some background as to our history together, for those that don't know how we met, what our relationship has been like, etc.

Maybe I can redecorate this place sometime, too, ja?

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I can but try...

Lately, I can't seem to even keep up with one blog. But I'll try for you, sweetie, if you promise we won't set up *another* blog if we get preggers. I don't think I could do a personal blog, a married blog, *and* a baby blog.

Another day, another blog

Well, here we are, all set to do another blog. Hopefully, it'll be one for the two of us to post to together. We shall see.

PS: comments box to come