Monday, April 26, 2004

Eventful weekend

Two bits of baby news this weekend. The first one was, I started having pains in my left side and stomach, accompanied by mild contractions. I called the hospital, and they said to go ahead and come in, since early labor can be a little weird. We had a brief scary period when it looked like the contractions were about 6 minutes apart, but it turned out I was just having bad ligament pains (when your uterus is stretching out) which were triggering the contractions. Both the pain and the contractions seem to have gone away now. A funny thing was, while they had me all hooked up to the monitors, the baby got the hiccups. I've felt that before, and now I know what it is. He's had them quite a bit, actually. I hope that doesn't mean he's going to have a lot of colic.

The other thing that happened this weekend is that I started lactating. I guess it's just colostrum, since it looks pretty clear. Anyway, I'm going to ask the OB about it when I go in Friday. Maybe there's a chance that I would be able to breastfeed after all, in which case I need to ask my other doctor about maybe changing my meds to something that's safe in breastmilk, at least for a while after the baby is born. Even if it didn't work and I had to change back to my old meds, at least the baby would have gotten a few days or even weeks of breastmilk at the beginning.

Oh, gosh, I think the baby has the hiccups *again*!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

A pregnancy moment...

Night before last, I sat down in our recliner to watch TV after I took my shower. I was wearing a sports bra and a pair of panties (with my huge belly taking up most of the space in between), I had a towel wrapped around my wet hair like a turban, my face was all red and blotchy, and I was wearing clogs because my feet are getting too swollen up for "real" shoes. Well, also because I can't reach my feet to get real shoes on. So there I am, watching TV in between complaining about my hemorrhoids (oh, pregnancy is so full of little joys!), and Clint says out of the blue: "Honey, do you have any idea how hot you look?"

!!!.....Well, my first instinct was to laugh---which I did---and tell him he sounds just like a desperate guy whose wife is seven months pregnant. Which I also did. But my next thought was: is that just sweeter than all hell, or what?

Friday, April 16, 2004

Bouncing baby boy!

Yesterday I was feeling kind of down, and I decided the only solution was: ice cream! So, when I got off work, I went by this little local ice cream stand and got a huge banana split to take home (forgetting that Clint is on a diet! Oops! Sorry, Honey!). When I got home, it turned out Clint had also gotten me a huge box of Dots, one of my favorite candies. So, needless to say, I got my sugar fix last night!

The baby usually is very active in the evenings after dinner, but last night I guess all the sugar just made him go nuts! He kicked all during birthing class last night, and then when we came home and I was taking a bath, it was hilarious to watch him make my stomach shift all around! Clint watched and laughed and called him, "Crazy Baby!" We wondered what he was doing in there. I felt kind of bad about getting the poor little baby all wound up like that, though. I better not OD on sugar like that again.

Crazy Baby (apologies to Joan Osborne)

And your hands are really shaking something awful
as you give your twenty-seventh little kick.
Oh, how long have you been sitting in the darkness?
You forget.
And you know you're getting really hard to carry.
And I feel it every time you turn around.
And you wonder why I cannot pick my butt up off the ground.

Oh, my crazy baby, try to hold on tight.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Friday's doctor visit


I've just discovered one reason why I might not have been feeling good: I have had a bad bacterial infection for the past couple of months. If you're pregnant or will be in the future, here's a little cautionary tale that I hope will encourage you to stick to your guns and make your doctor check things out if you feel like something might be wrong. For a while now, I've been thinking something's "not quite right" down there (I won't get graphic on you about why), and kept telling my doc about it every time I went in for an appointment. They just kept telling me my symptoms were normal, and since I've never been pregnant before, I didn't really know any different. Finally, things were getting so bad that I *knew* something was up---they didn't mention anything like this in my pregnancy book---so when I went in Friday I was a lot more insistent and they did a pelvic and discovered that I had an infection. I don't think it will hurt the baby, but it has certainly made my life more unpleasant than it needed to be for the last several months. No wonder I've felt so run down!

Anyway, other than that, everything was good; the baby still has a nice strong heartbeat (must take after his momma---I inherited my dad's side of the family's ridiculously good cardiovascular health), and all my vitals checked out okay. We didn't have to go to birthing class on Thursday because it was on breastfeeding; we only have two more classes after this. We won't have another ultrasound until 36 weeks, about a month before the baby is due. Getting to where there's nothing to do but wait.